Rites of Passage are the intentional process to mark the transition from one stage or phase of life to another.
CEREMONY is a deliberate action or set of actions with clear intent.
- Intentionally changing our state
- Cathartically releasing energy
- Anchoring within what is significant
- Elicits answers, restores and connects
A QUEST is a journey to carry your most current, essential question, decision, or healing - in order to return with the understanding, knowledge, confirmation or peace sought after.
BOTH, call you to step out of your ordinary life or mind, and retrieve for yourself what you needed.
1:1 Support
- Support for dying processes: loss, illness/injury, post-traumatic growth, relationship endings, setting down behaviours or roles. - Support in the Unknown/ Liminal. - Support for living processes: commitment, clarity, self-recognition, creative space for the new, embodying gifts/ purpose, entering partnering/ marriage.
Cross a threshold into intentional time, often to walk or wait on a question and return with what is needed. The form can be a nature immersion, a medicine walk, supported solo, vision quest, wilderness quest or support pre-post pilgrimmage/ journey. (Individual/Group).
Family Quests
Family Quests are for seeing one another more clearly. To give each other an opportunity to do something different. Experience counts the most. Healing and growth is in real-time, not a future theory to apply. A relevant and meaningful adventure. Peak experiences, where success is your own. This is for families in transition, tension or change. Family values are shaped from the inside out.
Ceremony & Rites of Passage Global Training
9-month Online Training for therapists, guides, facilitators, mentors, healers, spiritual or community leaders, ceremony holders, youth or wilderness guides, rites of passage doulas... Confidently develop and enact personally meaningful, culturally relevant ceremonies and rites of passage for yourself and your community.
Co-directed by Nature Knows & The Somatic Wilderness Therapy Institute.
Ceremony & Resilience Group
4-week group to stay clear and connected. For leaders, healers, change-makers, and those stepping up to support others in this time of Unknown. We turn to Ceremony, Ritual and Rites of Passage as tools to help us navigate as they have across the history of mankind.
Collaboration of Nature Knows & The Somatic Wilderness Therapy Institute.
Heroines Journey
An 8-day Rite of Passage immersion into the fullness and wholeness of you as a woman, through the 11 stages of initiation, transformation and healing. Self awareness & mindfulness practices, solo time on the land and the old trails, silence, visioning, individual and collective ceremony, in-depth family and ancestral healing content and process for rich inner work and renewed connections.
With Hāweatea Bryson and Suraj Bryson
Rites of Passage Podcast
Join us as we talk-story with cherished elders across cultures, on the need for a resurgence of rites of passage, ceremony, and a language of transformation. We talk with guides and midwives, community leaders, on how we cross a threshold from one experience or lived reality to another.
"Haaweatea has been a pillar in times
of transition. She's very supportive during spiritual and personal development,
and for accessing our knowing."
~ Jackie H
"Be brave to face each step of the journey.
You will get to the golden pot of illumination."
~ Mary
“I’m so glad you were placed in my path on my journey to reinvention and inner comfort... I found the strength to keep driving on… I have a glow of fire… Thank you so so much”
~ Lainey