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Haaweatea Bryson
Sep 11, 20164 min read
There are no rules anymore
The Coward and The Hero. Truth vs Peace. There are no rules anymore. It's both amazing and terrifying - because it all comes down to you....
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Joanna Macey with * edits by Haaweatea Holly
Mar 1, 20163 min read
5 Guidelines to help us deal; personally, socially, politically, spiritually.
As you read these, take 1 minute for each (5 mins total), to feel into it - rather than flicking through online stimulus. Allow each one...
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Haaweatea Bryson
Aug 21, 20156 min read
The GIFT in fear that is rarely acknowledged and how to access our place of Power.
I’d been camping in the desert for three weeks. The rattlesnake trail to the left of my tent showed up the first morning I woke here, and...
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