Podcast: Sacred rites & reconnection to nature through ceremony and romiromi (māori healing)
5 Aspects of Resilience: A Māori Indigenous Lens
Guest episode: A series on healing, trauma, and building resilience.
THE SEAT OF MY ELDERS SERIES love made real. ep1.
Why Rites of Passage? What is the Need? What are they for?
The portal that opens in death, loss, thresholds and times of release (cultural perspectives)
Navigating the 'Liminal' / Unknown Stage of Change
The gift of Elder Dr Malidoma Somé's words to our responsive hearts in this time
The 3 Stages of Loving
Beyond Decision Angst, Finding Your Answer
The Spiritual Bypass Trap - in relating and racism.
Strengthening your boundaries
Features of Spiritual Bypass
The Heroine at lifes center: How she earns her own self-trust and must shape it to a steady calm
When you really can’t make a decision, try this... The Decision Tree.
How to be generous with who you are: The two greatest processes your whole life
Are you here? Are you really here? Reading the bodies wisdom
The GIFT in fear that is rarely acknowledged and how to access our place of Power.